SA 8000 UAE

Need Analysis and Reporting based on SA 8000:2008
Gap Analysis for every process is conducted during Walkthrough of your plant and Over the fence visit    of your plant
Designing of forms required for reinforcement of SA 8000:2008 HR / Welfare process
Writing Social Accountability Manual (SA 8000:2008), system procedures
Workshops on Hazard and Risk assessment
Training on Factory Inspectorate, labour regulation requirements
Identifying the activities related to Legal Concern
Assistance in identifying the Objectives and Targets
Assistance in assessing social compliance at your vendors premises
Training on SA 8000:2008 Standard
SA 8000:2008 Internal auditors training based on ISO 19011
SA 8000:2008 Mock audit
SA 8000:2008 Management Review Kick start
SA 8000:2008 Pre audit assistance
SA 8000:2008 Final Audit assistance
SA 8000:2008 Assistance towards closure of Non conformances We can also conduct Mystery audits for any of type of companies and in any part of the world.
Some of the industries we have catered are Garments, Pharmaceuticals and Home Furnishings.
Our trainer is qualified Auditor from Social Accountability International SAI, USA.


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